Making Disciples of All Nations.

This Discipleship Training was designed for those who have made a firm decision to be trained like a Christian "soldier." We don't take people out of their domain, but we help them to discover their God-given calling, both generally and vocationally. The course is divided into three main categories:
The Relationship phase:
To grow in intimacy with Heavenly Father and to be fully led by the Holy Spirit to be transformed into the likeness of Christ
The Fruitfulness phase:
To build a ministry platform that maximizes and utilizes God's given gifts.
The Kingdom Resources phase:
To achieve total freedom to carry out God's will without financial hindrance.
Training Center
Free Course
Our Course At a Glance
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. This free course aims to inspire hope in pursuing God’s call in you and encourage faith in reaching your destiny in life.
Intensive Courses
Principle of Knowing God’s Will
4 courses
Framework of God’s Calling
4 courses
God at Work
7 Stages of Financial Freedom
and more
Coming Soon
Mentoring 1-on-1
Personalized Mentorship that tailor the discipleship experience to the individual's spiritual journey and life application; addressing specific needs, questions, and challenges and help individuals integrate their faith into all aspects of their lives, including personal, professional, and communal spheres. Our in-depth spiritual guidance and training come with thorough implementation plan from Initial assessment, ongoing support and progress evaluation until experiencing victory.
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