Discipling Nations.
Equipping Believers.

House of Prayer
A house of prayer for all nations that brings fragrance to the King and river of healing to the nations.
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Training Center
A platform to make disciples of all nations and send them to govern in their domain of influence. Join us to find your calling and part in the bigger plan.
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Co-Working Space
A place for collaboration, support, and growth within a faith-driven entrepreneurs, professionals, and businesses for the kingdom expansion.
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House of Prayer
A house of prayer for all nations that brings fragrance to the King and river of healing to the nations.
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Training Center
A platform to make disciples of all nations and send them to govern in their domain of influence. Join us to find your calling and part in the bigger plan.
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Co-Working Space
A place for collaboration, support, and growth within a faith-driven entrepreneurs, professionals, and businesses for the kingdom expansion.
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What We Believe
A secure place for you to grow in Christ. We are not just a community but a family.
The best portion is for God
We go the extra miles to bless God and people in need not only through words but also deeds.
Organism over Organization
Anyone can always replace ministry, but family members are treasures to love.
Integrity and Accountability
As children of light we should be experts in examining our hearts and confessing our sins.
Letters From The Community
"As someone who've grown out of my youth in this community, I can testify how positively this lovely family-like fellowship has impacted me - from fighting with me against anxiety and depression to helping me heal and training me to find purpose in my life. To be bold and humble and full of joy! Through opportunities to grow and contribute, RTN continues to foster in me invaluable skills and a deeper appreciation for practicing my faith. I can't thank this community enough for boldly stepping up to such a mission. It inspires me to do the same - to cultivate other youths with the same love, passion, and wisdom."
Abigail - Youth Leader, Worship Singer, Decorator
"RTN has become my sanctuary and family, where God's love flows freely. Before joining, I was consumed by pride, addiction, and sin, masking my inner fragility. The unwavering love and support from RTN members, especially during pivotal moments like heartfelt prayers, transformed my life. Over seven years, with three years of active involvement, I've experienced profound personal change. RTN's community has been my anchor, inspiring me to support and nurture the next generation with the same love and faith."
Yuying - Youth Leader, Fitness Brand Owner
“My name is Solomon Zhao and I gave my life to serve God at 15. After graduating from BSSM3 in 2019, I experienced disappointment and rebellion due to issues with a church leader and my father. In 2022, God led me to repent, and Ps. ZK (RTN) mentored me, helping me get back on track and pay off my debt. Now, I lead the Youth Ministry and Worship Team at RTN."
Solomon - Youth Leader and Worship Team
“Before joining the RTN community, I was an accountant leading an ordinary life. After joining, I learned that life is a journey led by God. Through His guidance, I met my wife. She is a kind and wise woman, and we have a lovely son. I also founded a financial consulting company. His leadership makes me more confident and determined to face daily challenges and opportunities!”
Well - Financial Consultant, Worship and Real Men Ministry
“Even though I have believed in God for over ten years, I have to say that my life has been changed dramatically through this ministry. I finally found a family here, and I feel so blessed to be one of them.”
Celine - Women and Children Ministry
“We have been greatly blessed to be a part of the RTN community and to know so many brothers and sisters who have shown us love and caring. Through the teaching of the fellowship, we have come into a deeper understanding of God's nature and character, which has strengthened our marriage and better prepared us for parenthood. We have seen His faithfulness in enabling us to have a child.”
Patrick & Jane - Children, Women and Translation Ministry
“Forever, I am thankful for my days in RTN, and this family ZK and HL built. I have been saved from death and great sins into the light and love of Jesus and his family here. I’ve been so much blessed by the teaching of truth and encouragement from the saints. Jesus is the only way, truth, and life; I’ve seen it here and been helped to follow him wholeheartedly here. May the blessings be on you, too!”
Ann - Worship and Prayer Intercessor,  Business Owner
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